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Keyframe Looping

pre 1.18

When the frame cursor leave the last keyframe. By default the value will stays the same until the end of the animation. However, you can modify the behaviour of the animation after the last frame by setting keyframe looping mode.

At the inspector and animation panel, clicking on the "looping mode" icon will cycle through different modes.

Looping modes

Hold (Default)

This is the default behaviour. After the last frame the animation will simply stop.


Looping mode will loop back the entire animation. For exmaple if your animation is 10 frames long, frames 11 will have the same value as frame 1.


Ping pong mode will loop and revert the animation back and forth.


Wrap mode will wrap the first frame to the last. Creating a seemless loop animation.

Limited Loop

With loop and pingpong mode, you can set how many keyframes to be included in the loop. By click and hold on the looping mode icon in the animation panel then drag it to the dopesheet. The green line will indicate the loop range.